Memorial Donations
Given in memory of a deceased family member, friend, or colleague, often in lieu of flowers for a funeral, an anniversary of the individual’s passing, or other special times of remembrance, a memorial donation may be made in any amount.
Tribute Donations
A tribute donation provides a meaningful way to remember and honor someone special.
Donations to Ohme Gardens may be suggested to friends and family in lieu of traditional gifts for weddings, graduations, and other special occasions. A personalized letter will be sent to the honoree(s), notifying them of the gift.
Planned Giving
A deferred gift, usually a bequest through a donor’s will.
Special Projects
Donations can be earmarked for a specific project within the Gardens. Those funds will be used for that particular project only and the donor will receive periodic progress reports as the project advances.
Memorial or tribute donations $500 and above will be recognized with a plaque on the memorial/tribute display board located at the Gardens entrance for 10 years. All other memorial and tribute donations will be recognized on the same board for one year.
Ohme Gardens County Park is a department of the County of Chelan, a political subdivision of Washington State. All funds donated to Ohme Gardens are used solely for public purposes.