Totem Pole Lodge

Totem Pole Lodge was built in the 1940's. The gnarly buled logs used in the rustic design gave this lodge its name.

Totem Pole Lodge

Totem Pole Lodge Historical Reference

Totem Pole Lodge Totem Pole Lodge Totem Pole Lodge Totem Pole Lodge Totem Pole Lodge Totem Pole Lodge

This lodge were the "Tea House" and "Lookout Pavilion"

Totem Pole Lodge

Totem Pole Lodge with the Cascade Mountains ub tge background and the Lower Lawn in the foreground, a very popular viewpoint in the Gardens.

Totem Pole Lodge

To the right of the Lodge is the Bath House, which was the first structure built and used for changing into swinsuits for a dip in the pool.

Totem Pole Lodge

The view from the sunken lawn in the 1950's. This are now used most weekends for weddings.

Totem Pole Lodge

Looking back up the hill towards Totem Pole Lodge you can see Burch Mountain in the background which shows the dry, arid landscape that sorrounds the Gardens.